About Me

Here’s to the beginning of something great. First Galileo post, whoop whoop!

I’m Bec and here’s a bit about me…

Photo on 20-09-2014 at 2.17 pm

Photo on 20-09-2014 at 2.15 pm #3

~two pictures which sum up what kind of person I am~

My earliest memory of school is…

  • My first day of prep where my mum wanted to take photos of me with our prehistoric camera. I wouldn’t pose alone so if you look closely, my sister is squatting behind me.

I learn best when…

  • I know exactly what is essential. Once I’ve covered the more important topics, I’m happy to move forward in learning about smaller details.

My worst trait is…

  • being too stubborn or persistent in group work. Its really important that everyone shares the work load.

My best trait is…

  • my ability to make the best out of a bad situation. I’m good at thinking on my feet and knowing what is achievable.

I often wonder…

  • whether I spend too much time online. I have a whole load of social media and many friends online (is that a bad thing though??).

The hardest thing I’ve ever done…

  • was to see my grandma in hospital. It was my birthday and it was probably the most emotional I’ve ever been.

The last possession I would give up is…

  • my vast collection of t-shirts. I have a lot but most have some kind of sentimental value. I especially love my band shirts though, they remind me of every concert I’ve been to.

This term I am looking forward to…

  •  getting to know the city and inner suburbs better as well as to learn about how communities function best.

What image would you put on a postcard of Melbourne? Why?


  • this photo of the Keith Haring mural at the former Collingwood technical college. Having postcards that show Melbourne’s lesser known destinations would be super cool. Keith Haring is one of my favourite artists and the mural is also one of his three remaining installation pieces .

Which Melbourne person would you most like to sit next to on the tram? Why?

  • I’d love to sit next to Andreja Pejic. She’s been through so much in her lifetime so far and it would be so interesting to speak to her about her career, her transition from an androgynous model to a transgender female as well as talk about what UHS was like 5 years ago.

If you could invite any 3 people from history to dinner who would you invite?Why?

  •  I would invite Kathleen Hanna and Carrie Brownstein (I know they’re still alive but they’re pretty influential. I would also invite Cleopatra. Badass ladies is where its at ❤

Describe Melbourne in three words

  • urban, modern, changing