Week 5 // Liveability Week

above: jane’s bioblitz trail group 😀

quick note: my critical question #2 is on its way! i’ve been a bit busy lately..

How was it settling back in to the rhythm of school post camp [or post break]?

Pretty easy, even though I didn’t go, I think most things are back to normal. A few inside jokes though TT,TT

Have you noticed any changes to the way Brookes relate to one another – are you closer, more comfortable with each other, or are friendships more defined?

Yeah, everyone definitely gets along much better. Once again, though I wasn’t at camp things are still going just as well for me !

How liveable do you think your suburb is? What would make it more or less liveable for you?

My suburb is ranked around 236 and personally its quite surprising seeing as Aberfeldie (which is less than 8 minutes away) ranked 4th. Though things like the airport and distance from the CBD have positive AND negative aspects to them, my suburb’s overall liveability is not bad. It’s safe, clean, quiet and mostly residential. But I may not be the best judge of that as I technically live on the border of 3 suburbs. But like we discussed in the suburb liveability session, for some home is simply a place to kick back at the end of the day. For me, personally, I go to school, meet friends and spend a lot of my down time in the city rather than at home.

What are your hopes for the remainder of the term? Which skills, areas of knowledge and personal qualities do you want to keep working towards?

I want to focus a lot more on teamwork and leadership. Less by being the leader and hopefully more as the moderator. I want to be able to keep moving forward in a way that my team project group can get along better.