NOT All About That Bass

Spoon Uni Article

Kids React Video

Under 8s Sing All About That Bass

I doubt many/any people will bother reading this however, the Spoon Uni article (link above) sums up my feelings about the #1 Hit song, All About That Bass.

The song bothers me so much because I know many people, especially SKINNY people who think the song is great and empowering without listening to all the lyrics. Most of the lyrics are super positive but the key is there isn’t just one body type! And though raising awareness towards photoshopping in the media as well as the fact that curves are normal is good, it’s still bad for self confidence as well as a bad example by saying things like “I’m bringing booty back [pos] go tell them skinny bitches that…[neg]” What is Meghan Trainor really implying??

Aside from the video, the Fine Bros most recent ‘Kids React’ was a bit of a let down too. I was hoping that during the Question Time section of the video they would not only address the positive but also negative aspects of the video. But apparently not as they were pointing the children in the direction that the song (& video) is/are 100% and good for kids to watch. These aren’t stupid kids and are clearly able to deal with other big issues, so why not explain how body image isn’t just about not being fat. Or that there are still negative connotations around being skinny.

One of the girls said that “Loving yourself no matter what and not caring [about] what everyone tells you” but maybe the song could be refined to match that idea without putting skinny “bitches” down along the way.

Finally, after the Fine Bros mentioned the filtering of popular songs for airing on Kids TV networks I had a look at a video of a little girl covering the song. The Disney edition of the song. If the song is promoting such a good message, why do big companies have to mute out half the song? Understandably, more mature references are left out but the edited editions aren’t necessarily better ! I’m avoiding going into it too much here, but lyrics go from “She says, boys they like a little more booty to hold at night…” into “Boys know real beauty is actually what’s inside…”. Why do boys matter in an issue like this?

Apologies for the state this post is in, more rant than thorough explanation…