Learning Goals

This term I’d like to learn about/work on…

  •  Time Management // so that I can finish good quality work in a given period. This will help me manage my priorities and have more leisure time.
  •  Leadership // so that I can learn to lead a team and work on compromising and communicating better(this will be handy in SRC too)
  •  Negotiation and Compromise // to argue better with my parents and apply it in situations where other people don’t agree completely. To rationally sort out tricky situations keeping all parties happy and NOT offending anyone in the process.
  •  Australia’s political system // because my sister works in politics and it would be helpful to have a more clearer understanding of what she does and how our country uses its power
  •  Music/Music Appreciation // to realise and understand how Melbourne appreciates/incorporates music into our culture and everyday life as well as what the music industry is like in Melbourne
  • (see below for Climate Science)
  • Independence // so that I can learn to be be reasonable of what I want and how I can work get it done/make my goals achievable. It will give me added motivation to move further and work harder.
  •  Patience // will be a difficult one. But it can be achieved. It means working harder to be respectful in a team. Its important for communicating and working well in a group
  •  Organisation // Keep my priorities straight as well as stop (or at least minimise) my mass amounts of procrastination. It will certainly keep my mum happy too.

Climate Science (Knowledge) Break Down

How to Achieve (new knowledge):
  • study further news and information about the causes and effects of climate change (this could be via AYCC)
  • attend rallies to meet passionate people and learn about how we can make change
  • teach others about climate change and how they can help
  • join the school’s environmental group
Obstacles or Difficulties
  • finding accurate sources to interview and survey
  • ?
  • will look like… being confident enough to teach others about climate change and how we can work to make Australia more sustainable