Week 4 // Camp Week

 How was your week? What was a standout moment for you?

My standout moment for the week was being elected as the 2015 Vice President of the University High School SRC. The rest of my week was spent awkwardly dropping into school to finish my 2014 Secretarial duties. I also enjoyed spending some time with my friends Leo, Quynh & Sara. I spent Friday afternoon with my friend Cam and then the evening at a Halloween movie night at my friend Juliet’s place.

What kind of experiences have you had that have challenged you? How have you found the strength to overcome these challenges?

I haven’t really felt very challenged this week. I got plenty of work done and got to spend some more quality time with my parents.

One thought on “Week 4 // Camp Week

  1. Hi Bec,
    Congrats on the election! You will be a fantastic SRC representative.
    You were sorely missed on camp but i guess your mates will fill you in over the next few days about it.

    See you tmw



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