Week 1 Reflection // Orientation Week

What has been a standout moment for you?

I really enjoyed the team skills sessions on Thursday morning. I liked being able to make new connections with others in my sub school as well as learn about the best ways to work as a team.

Has anything taken you by surprise?

I was pretty surprised about the lack of participation in class. Hopefully more people open up to class discussion because I really hate being the only one talking!

Has Galileo met your expectations thus far?

Yeah, I think it has. The first week has been pretty relaxed, though I’m sure there’s plenty more to come.

How did you experience the difference between the Mini Melbourne and City Grid trails?

I found the City Grid trail to be much more independent, not only because we were alone but also because we were left to sort out any team difficulties by ourselves. It meant we had to assign roles and do our jobs properly. I also found the city grid to be much more hands on; though the task was simple we weren’t guided so we each had to take separate initiatives.

What was it like to receive so much trust from the teachers- did it motivate your group to complete the task?

Yeah, we finished the tasks pretty quickly. The trust made things much faster, as we could go wherever we wanted how we wanted. This meant we could focus on the train network making it easier to head to our destinations via City Loop.

How was your experience of working in your team project group?

There was a little trouble when assigning roles but once it was sorted out, the day went along quite smoothly.

Did you embrace a leadership opportunity?

Yes, I did. I wasn’t planning on it, as I often take leadership roles and like to let other people have a go. But after there was a bit of indecision of who should take the lead, I stepped up.

One thought on “Week 1 Reflection // Orientation Week

  1. Hi Bec,
    Great to hear that you enjoyed the team skills session; your team seem to be functioning well at the moment and i’m confident that you will be have a great term.
    If any problems do arise, i’ll be very interested to see how you guys handle it but for now, it all seems very natural.
    You seem to be becoming a leader by example as the term goes by and it’s so great that you realize we are letting you problem solve by yourselves.
    Mini Trail on Friday, so excited for you guys!



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